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Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

The best pregnancy guide for first-time mothers in Singapore

Mother, child, field

Focuses on the needs of first-time mothers.

Who is this site for

You’re pregnant and eager to learn everything you need to know about your new life. Mother and Baby Singapore provide tips about your baby’s development from newborn to preschool. We provide pregnancy guides to help you through each stage of your journey.

woman, baby
  • Pregnancy guide and information

    Online pregnancy guide and information about your baby's development from newborn to preschool.

  • Understand the needs of your child

    Our parenting guides help mothers efficiently tackle children's issues, saving time and energy often lost due to uncertainty.

  • Guidance on Pregnancy to Toddlerhood

    Step-by-step guides to help you prepare your home, your baby and yourself for this most treasured period of life.

  • Catering to first-time mothers' need

    Find all you need as a first-time mother for pregnancy, birth, and beyond in one place.

Latest Articles

  • Handling and Holding a Newborn

    So, you've got a tiny human in your arms, and the fear of mishandling them is real. But fear not because mastering the art of holding and handling a newborn

    Holding a newborn baby.
  • Changing Diapers

    Are you ready to tackle the diaper-changing game? It's often said that knowledge is power, and this couldn't be more true when it comes to the art of diaper changing.

    A baby is laying on a bed changing diaper
  • Swaddling Your Baby

    If you're seeking methods to help your baby sleep more peacefully, swaddling your little one may hold the key. Swaddling, with its snug wrapping and soothing environment, not only encourages

    Swaddling your baby is an effective way to calm and comfort them.
  • Baby Car Seat Buying Guide 2024

    Securing your sweetheart's safety should be simple, shouldn't it? In this guide, you'll navigate the nuances of baby car seat shopping. We'll walk you through everything from legislation compliance and

    Woman standing aganst shelf with child car seats
  • 7 Best Baby Seats 2024

    Are you a parent in search of the best baby seats for 2024? Look no further! We've carefully curated a list of the top 7 baby seats that will ensure

    Child car seat for safety in the rear passenger seat of a car
  • Baby Car Seat Safety Rules in Singapore

    You'd think strapping your child into a car seat is a no-brainer, right? But in Singapore, it's more than just buckling up. It's about understanding and adhering to stringent safety

    Close up of securing child to a baby car seat

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Give your kid happy memories growing up.

Fostering joyful childhood experiences for lasting happy memories

Siblings lying on the bed
Newborn baby sleeping with pacifier

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