Well wishes for your pregnant friend

two pregnant friends wishing each other

In this article, we will be sharing some well wishes for a pregnant friend who is expecting a new bundle of joy in their life. Whether the parents-to-be are awaiting the arrival of a baby boy or baby girl, it’s always heartwarming to send them thoughtful and heartfelt messages during this exciting time.

Upon hearing the wonderful news of a healthy pregnancy, friends and family members often gather to celebrate at baby showers. These events provide an opportunity to shower the expectant parents with love, support, and gifts as they prepare to welcome a new life into their world. Baby shower cards serve as a touching keepsake, filled with warmest wishes, pregnancy congratulations, and personal messages that convey the sender’s joy and excitement for the upcoming arrival.

two pregnant friends wishing each other well
two pregnant friends wishing each other well

Finding the right words to express one’s happiness can sometimes be challenging. However, some phrases and sentiments never fail to make an impact. For instance, wishing the mom-to-be an easy delivery and a safe pregnancy, or telling the dad-to-be that he will surely be an amazing parent, are sure to evoke smiles and appreciation from the recipients.

When crafting a message for dear friends expecting a new baby boy or a little princess, it’s essential to consider the unique bond shared with the couple. Acknowledging the great news and expressing hope for a healthy and happy pregnancy will certainly resonate with the soon-to-be parents. Celebrate the beautiful journey ahead and the joyous new chapter in their lives.

As the pregnancy progresses and the amazing time of anticipation inches closer to the big day, it’s crucial to remind the expectant parents to cherish every moment. Whether it’s the first flutter of life inside the mom-to-be or the sleepless nights that come with caring for a newborn, each experience is part of the most beautiful journey of parenthood.

joyful gathering of a group of friends celebrating a friend's pregnancy
a joyful gathering of a group of friends celebrating a friend’s pregnancy

Here are 54 examples of well wishes for your pregnant friend (in Chinese and Malay too)

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
    Chinese: 恭喜你怀孕了!(Gōngxǐ nǐ huáiyùnle!)
    Malay: Tahniah atas kehamilan anda!
  2. Wishing you a healthy and smooth pregnancy.
    Chinese: 祝你孕期健康顺利。(Zhù nǐ yùnqí jiànkāng shùnlì.)
    Malay: Semoga kehamilan anda sihat dan lancar.
  3. May this journey be filled with love and happiness.
    Chinese: 愿这段旅程充满爱与幸福。(Yuàn zhè duàn lǚchéng chōngmǎn ài yǔ xìngfú.)
    Malay: Semoga perjalanan ini dipenuhi dengan cinta dan kebahagiaan.
  4. You’re going to be an amazing mother!
    Chinese: 你会成为一位了不起的母亲!(Nǐ huì chéngwéi yī wèi liǎobùqǐ de mǔqīn!)
    Malay: Anda akan menjadi ibu yang hebat!
  5. Sending you warm wishes for a happy and healthy baby.
    Chinese: 向您致以温馨祝福,愿宝宝健康快乐。(Xiàng nín zhìyǐ wēnxīn zhùfú, yuàn bǎobao jiànkāng kuàilè.)
    Malay: Menghantar anda salam sejahtera untuk bayi yang sihat dan gembira.
  6. Embrace every moment of this beautiful journey.
    Chinese: 拥抱这美好旅程的每一个时刻。(Yōngbào zhè měihǎo lǚchéng de měi yīgè shíkè.)
    Malay: Peluk setiap saat dalam perjalanan indah ini.
  7. Wishing you all the best during your pregnancy.
    Chinese: 祝你怀孕期间一切顺利。(Zhù nǐ huáiyùn qíjiān yīqiè shùnlì.)
    Malay: Semoga segalanya berjalan lancar semasa kehamilan anda.
  8. Cherish the special bond between you and your baby.
    Chinese: 珍惜你与宝宝之间的特殊纽带。(Zhēnxī nǐ yǔ bǎobao zhī jiān de tèshū niǔdài.)
    Malay: Hargai ikatan istimewa antara anda dan bayi anda.
  9. Your little miracle is on the way!
    Chinese: 你的小奇迹即将来到!(Nǐ de xiǎo qíjī jíjiāng láidào!)
    Malay: Keajaiban kecil anda dalam perjalanan!
  10. May your baby bring you a lifetime of joy and love.
    Chinese: 愿你的宝宝给你带来终身的喜悦和爱意。(Yuàn nǐ de bǎobao gěi nǐ dàilái zhōngshēn de xǐyuè hé àiyì.)
    Malay: Semoga bayi anda membawa kebahagiaan dan cinta sepanjang hayat.
  11. Enjoy every step of this incredible journey.
    Chinese: 享受这个美妙旅程的每一步。(Xiǎngshòu zhège měimiào lǚchéng de měi yībù.)
    Malay: Nikmati setiap langkah dalam perjalanan luar biasa ini.
  12. You’re glowing with the beauty of motherhood.
    Chinese: 你散发着母性之美。(Nǐ sànfā zhe mǔxìng zhī měi.)
    Malay: Anda berseri-seri dengan keindahan ibu.
  13. Your baby will be surrounded by love and warmth.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将被爱与温暖环绕。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng bèi ài yǔ wēnnuǎn huánrào.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan dikelilingi oleh kasih sayang dan kemesraan.
  14. May your pregnancy be filled with peace and serenity.
    Chinese: 愿你的怀孕充满宁静与安宁。(Yuàn nǐ de huáiyùn chōngmǎn níngjìng yǔ ānníng.)
    Malay: Semoga kehamilan anda dipenuhi dengan kedamaian dan ketenangan.
  15. You are going to create beautiful memories as a mother.
    Chinese: 你将创造作为母亲的美好回忆。(nǐ jiāng chuàngzào Zuòwéi mǔqīn de měihǎo huíyì.)
    Malay: Anda akan mencipta kenangan indah sebagai seorang ibu.
  16. Wishing you a magical journey into motherhood.
    Chinese: 祝你有一段神奇的母性之旅。(Zhù nǐ yǒu yīduàn shénqí de mǔxìng zhī lǚ.)
    Malay: Semoga anda melalui perjalanan ajaib ke alam ibu.
  17. Your baby will be a reflection of your love and care.
    Chinese: 您的宝宝将反映出您的爱与关怀。(Nín de bǎobǎo jiāng fǎnyìng chū nín de ài yǔ guānhuái.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan mencerminkan kasih sayang dan perhatian anda.
  18. Looking forward to meeting your little bundle of joy!
    Chinese: 期待见到你的小宝贝!(Qídài jiàn dào nǐ de xiǎo bǎobèi!)
    Malay: Menantikan untuk bertemu dengan kesayangan anda!
  19. Enjoy the precious moments and milestones of pregnancy.
    Chinese: 享受怀孕过程中的珍贵时刻和里程碑。(Xiǎngshòu huáiyùn guòchéng zhōng de zhēnguì shíkè hé lǐchéngbēi.)
    Malay: Nikmati saat-saat berharga dan pencapaian kehamilan.
  20. Your love and dedication will make you a wonderful mother.
    Chinese: 你的爱心和奉献将使你成为一位出色的母亲 (Nǐ de àixīn hé fèngxiàn jiāng shǐ nǐ chéngwéi yī wèi chūsè de mǔqīn)
    Malay: Kasih sayang dan dedikasi anda akan menjadikan anda seorang ibu yang hebat.
Gift box and a greeting card
Gift box and a greeting card
  1. May your home be filled with laughter and joy as you welcome your little one.
    Chinese: 愿你的家充满欢笑与喜悦,迎接你的小宝贝。(Yuàn nǐ de jiā chōngmǎn huānxiào yǔ xǐyuè, yíngjiē nǐ de xiǎo bǎobèi.)
    Malay: Semoga rumah anda dipenuhi dengan tawa dan kegembiraan saat menyambut si kecil.
  2. You are about to experience the miracle of life.
    Chinese: 你即将体验生命的奇迹。(Nǐ jíjiāng tǐyàn shēngmìng de qíjī.)
    Malay: Anda akan mengalami keajaiban kehidupan.
  3. Wishing you a safe delivery and a healthy baby.
    Chinese: 祝你顺产,宝宝健康。(Zhù nǐ shùnchǎn, bǎobao jiànkāng.)
    Malay: Semoga selamat melahirkan bayi yang sihat.
  4. The world is waiting to welcome your little one with open arms.
    Chinese: 世界正张开双臂,等待迎接你的小宝贝。(Shìjiè zhèng zhāngkāi shuāngbì, děngdài yíngjiē nǐ de xiǎo bǎobèi.)
    Malay: Dunia menanti untuk menyambut si kecil dengan tangan terbuka.
  5. Cherish every moment of your pregnancy, as it’s a beautiful gift.
    Chinese: 珍惜怀孕期间的每一个时刻,因为这是一份美好的礼物。(Zhēnxī huáiyùn qíjiān de měi yīgè shíkè, yīnwèi zhè shì yī fèn měihǎo de lǐwù.)
    Malay: Hargai setiap saat kehamilan anda, kerana itu adalah hadiah yang indah.
  6. Your baby is going to be so lucky to have you as a mother.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝很幸运能有你这样的母亲。(Nǐ de bǎobao hěn xìngyùn néng yǒu nǐ zhèyàng de mǔqīn.)
    Malay: Bayi anda sangat bertuah mempunyai anda sebagai ibu.
  7. Treasure the love and joy that your baby brings into your life.
    Chinese: 珍视宝宝给你的生活带来的爱与喜悦。(Zhēnshì bǎobao gěi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái de ài yǔ xǐyuè.)
    Malay: Hargai kasih sayang dan kegembiraan yang dibawa bayi anda ke dalam hidup anda.
  8. You’re embarking on the most incredible adventure of your life.
    Chinese: 你即将开始人生中最不可思议的冒险。(Nǐ jíjiāng kāishǐ rénshēng zhōng zuì bùkěsīyì de màoxiǎn.)
    Malay: Anda memulakan pengembaraan paling luar biasa dalam hidup anda.
  9. Your little one will bring so much happiness and love to your family.
    Chinese: 你的小宝贝将为你的家庭带来无尽的幸福与爱。(Nǐ de xiǎo bǎobèi jiāng wéi nǐ de jiātíng dàilái wújìn de xìngfú yǔ ài.)
    Malay: Si kecil akan membawa banyak kebahagiaan dan cinta kepada keluarga anda.
  10. Parenthood is a beautiful journey filled with unforgettable moments.
    Chinese: 父母之道是充满难忘时刻的美好旅程。(Fùmǔ zhī dào shì chōngmǎn nánwàng shíkè de měihǎo lǚchéng.)
    Malay: Keparentingan adalah perjalanan indah yang penuh dengan saat-saat yang tidak terlupakan.
  11. May the joy of parenthood bring you endless happiness.
    Chinese: 愿做父母的喜悦给你带来无尽的幸福。(Yuàn zuò fùmǔ de xǐyuè gěi nǐ dàilái wújìn de xìngfú.)
    Malay: Semoga kegembiraan menjadi ibu bapa memberi anda kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga.
  12. Your baby will fill your life with love, joy, and unforgettable memories.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将为你的生活带来爱,喜悦和难忘的回忆。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng wéi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái ài, xǐyuè hé nánwàng de huíyì.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan mengisi hidup anda dengan cinta, kegembiraan, dan kenangan yang tidak terlupakan.
  13. Wishing you a smooth and joyful journey through pregnancy and motherhood.
    Chinese: 祝你怀孕和为人母过程顺利且充满喜悦。(Zhù nǐ huáiyùn hé wéirén mǔ guòchéng shùnlì qiě chōngmǎn xǐyuè.)
    Malay: Semoga perjalanan kehamilan dan ibu bapa anda lancar dan penuh kegembiraan.
  14. Your baby will be a beautiful addition to your family.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将是家庭中的美好增添。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng shì jiātíng zhōng de měihǎo zēngtiān.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan menjadi tambahan yang indah dalam keluarga anda.
  15. May your baby’s arrival bring endless blessings and happiness to your family.
    Chinese: 愿宝宝的到来给你的家庭带来无尽的祝福与快乐。(Yuàn bǎobao de dàolái gěi nǐ de jiātíng dàilái wújìn de zhùfú yǔ kuàilè.)
    Malay: Semoga kedatangan bayi anda membawa berkat dan kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga kepada keluarga anda.
  16. The love between a mother and her baby is the most powerful bond in the world.
    Chinese: 母亲与宝宝之间的爱是世界上最强大的纽带。(Mǔqīn yǔ bǎobao zhī jiān de ài shì shìjiè shàng zuì qiángdà de niǔdài.)
    Malay: Kasih sayang antara ibu dan bayinya adalah ikatan paling kuat di dunia.
  17. Your baby will bring endless joy and love into your life.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将为你的生活带来无尽的喜悦与爱。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng wéi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái wújìn de xǐyuè yǔ ài.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan membawa kegembiraan dan cinta yang tak terhingga dalam hidup anda.
  18. Embrace the beauty and challenges of motherhood with open arms.
    Chinese: 用开放的怀抱拥抱母亲的美好与挑战。(Yòng kāifàng de huáibào yōngbào mǔqīn de měihǎo yǔ tiǎozhàn.)
    Malay: Terima keindahan dan cabaran menjadi ibu dengan tangan terbuka.
  19. Your baby will be a constant reminder of life’s greatest blessings.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将是生活中最伟大祝福的不断提醒。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng shì shēnghuó zhōng zuì wěidà zhùfú de bùduàn tíxǐng.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan menjadi peringatan tetap tentang berkat terbesar dalam hidup.
  20. May your bond with your baby grow stronger with each passing day.
    Chinese: 愿你与宝宝的纽带随着时光流逝而变得更加牢固。(Yuàn nǐ yǔ bǎobao de niǔdài suízhe shíguāng liúshì ér biàn dé gèngjiā láogù.)
    Malay: Semoga ikatan anda dengan bayi anda semakin kuat setiap hari yang berlalu.
groups of friends celebrating a friend's pregnancy
groups of friends celebrating a friend’s pregnancy
  1. Parenthood will bring a new perspective and purpose to your life.
    Chinese: 做父母将给你的生活带来新的视角和目标。(Zuò fùmǔ jiāng gěi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái xīn de shìjiǎo hé mùbiāo.)
    Malay: Keparentingan akan membawa perspektif dan tujuan baru dalam hidup anda.
  2. Your baby will be a shining light in your life, guiding you towards happiness and love.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将成为你生活中的一道闪耀之光,引领你走向幸福和爱。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng chéngwéi nǐ shēnghuó zhōng de yīdào shǎnyào zhī guāng, yǐnlǐng nǐ zǒuxiàng xìngfú hé ài.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan menjadi cahaya bersinar dalam hidup anda, membimbing anda menuju kebahagiaan dan cinta.
  3. Wishing you a lifetime of cherished memories with your little one.
    Chinese: 祝你与小宝贝共度一生珍贵的回忆。(Zhù nǐ yǔ xiǎo bǎobèi gòngdù yīshēng zhēnguì de huíyì.)
    Malay: Semoga anda memiliki kenangan indah seumur hidup dengan si kecil anda.
  4. May the love between you and your baby grow stronger every day.
    Chinese: 愿你与宝宝之间的爱每天都变得更加坚定。(Yuàn nǐ yǔ bǎobao zhī jiān de ài měitiān dōu biàn dé gèngjiā jiāndìng.)
    Malay: Semoga kasih sayang antara anda dan bayi anda bertambah kuat setiap hari.
  5. The arrival of your baby marks a new chapter in your life, full of love and joy.
    Chinese: 宝宝的到来标志着你生活中一个充满爱与喜悦的新篇章。(Bǎobao de dàolái biāozhìzhe nǐ shēnghuó zhōng yīgè chōngmǎn ài yǔ xǐyuè de xīn piānzhāng.)
    Malay: Kedatangan bayi anda menandakan bab baru dalam hidup anda, penuh dengan cinta dan kegembiraan.
  6. Your baby will bring a whole new world of happiness and love to your life.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将给你的生活带来全新的幸福与爱。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng gěi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái quánxīn de xìngfú yǔ ài.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan membawa dunia baru kebahagiaan dan cinta dalam hidup anda.
  7. Embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood, for it is a truly wonderful journey.
    Chinese: 拥抱做母亲的喜悦与挑战,因为这是一段美妙的旅程。(Yōngbào zuò mǔqīn de xǐyuè yǔ tiǎozhàn, yīnwèi zhè shì yīduàn měimiào de lǚchéng.)
    Malay: Peluklah kegembiraan dan cabaran menjadi ibu, kerana ini adalah perjalanan yang benar-benar indah.
  8. Wishing you endless happiness and love as you begin your journey as a mother.
    Chinese: 祝你在成为母亲的旅程中拥有无尽的幸福与爱。(Zhù nǐ zài chéngwéi mǔqīn de lǚchéng zhōng yōngháv wújìn de xìngfú yǔ ài.)
    Malay: Semoga anda mendapat kebahagiaan dan cinta yang tak terhingga dalam perjalanan anda menjadi seorang ibu.
  9. Your baby will fill your heart with love and your home with happiness.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将让你的心充满爱,让你的家庭充满快乐。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng ràng nǐ de xīn chōngmǎn ài, ràng nǐ de jiātíng chōngmǎn kuàilè.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan mengisi hati anda dengan cinta dan rumah anda dengan kebahagiaan.
  10. Parenthood is a beautiful gift, cherish every moment with your little one.
    Chinese: 做父母是一份美好的礼物,珍惜与小宝贝度过的每一个时刻。 (Zuò fùmǔ shì yī fèn měihǎo de lǐwù, zhēnxī yǔ xiǎo bǎobèi dùguò de měi yīgè shíkè.)
    Malay: Keparentingan adalah anugerah yang indah, hargailah setiap saat bersama si kecil anda.
a friend wishes her pregnant friend happiness
a friend wishes her pregnant friend happiness
  1. The love and joy that your baby brings will be a constant source of happiness in your life.
    Chinese: 宝宝带来的爱与喜悦将成为你生活中持续的幸福源泉。(Bǎobao dàilái de ài yǔ xǐyuè jiāng chéngwéi nǐ shēnghuó zhōng chíxù de xìngfú yuánquán.)
    Malay: Cinta dan kegembiraan yang dibawa oleh bayi anda akan menjadi sumber kebahagiaan yang berterusan dalam hidup anda.
  2. As you welcome your baby into the world, may your heart be filled with love and joy.
    Chinese: 当你迎接宝宝来到这个世界时,愿你的心充满爱与喜悦。(Dāng nǐ yíngjiē bǎobao lái dào zhège shìjiè shí, yuàn nǐ de xīn chōngmǎn ài yǔ xǐyuè.)
    Malay: Ketika anda menyambut bayi anda ke dunia ini, semoga hati anda dipenuhi dengan cinta dan kegembiraan.
  3. Your baby will bring a new sense of wonder and excitement to your life.
    Chinese: 你的宝宝将为你的生活带来新的惊奇与兴奋。(Nǐ de bǎobao jiāng wéi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái xīn de jīngqí yǔ xīngfèn.)
    Malay: Bayi anda akan membawa rasa kagum dan kegembiraan yang baru dalam hidup anda.
  4. As a mother, you’ll experience the most profound love and joy in your life.
    Chinese: 作为一名母亲,你将在生活中体验最深沉的爱与喜悦。(Zuòwéi yī míng mǔqīn, nǐ jiāng zài shēnghuó zhōng tǐyàn zuì shēnchén de ài yǔ xǐyuè.)
    Malay: Sebagai seorang ibu, anda akan merasakan cinta dan kegembiraan yang paling mendalam dalam hidup anda.
Gift box and a greeting card
Gift box and a greeting card

In conclusion, the best way to convey your love, joy, and hope for a pregnant friend is through heartfelt wishes and messages. Let them know that they will be amazing parents and that you can’t wait to meet their little angel. Send your warmest congratulations on their pregnancy and reassure them that through life’s new adventures, they will always have the support and love of their friends and family. The upcoming arrival of a baby is an exciting time, and sharing in this happiness with your best friend will undoubtedly strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

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I am an INTP-A Logician personality and a proud Melakan who has had the privilege of living in Singapore and Malaysia. I have been an avid fan of Manchester United and I'm now a parent to a daughter with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I love watching Asian movies and dramas from the sci-fi, time travel, comedy, detective and mystery genres. As a self-proclaimed tech geek with an equal passion for SEO, I help SMBs in IT support and SEO matters.

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