Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period

Woman holding pregnancy test kit

Young first-time mothers sometimes overlook symptoms of pregnancy before their missed period. Often, it is because pregnancy symptoms can feel very similar to premenstrual symptoms (PMS). If you do not know the specific differences, you may think of it as simply a bad case of PMS. Though the intensity of symptoms is stronger for pregnancy than for PMS, it is still common to confuse them.

Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period

Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period
Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period

Every woman experiences pregnancy symptoms differently. Some women start to suspect they are pregnant within the first few days, while others may not notice anything until after their missed period. The more common early pregnancy symptoms may include:

Spotting and Cramping

After you conceive, the fertilised egg will attach itself to your uterus wall, which can cause spotting and cramping. Spotting is also referred to as implantation bleeding and usually occurs 12 to 14 days after conception. Aside from bleeding, women may even notice a milky discharge, which happens when the wall of your vagina thickens due to the growth of cells lining the vagina.

This discharge can continue throughout the pregnancy and is usually harmless. If you notice a bad smell or experience burning or itching sensations, it is best to consult a doctor to rule out any yeast or bacterial infections. 

Woman suffering from abdominal cramp
Woman suffering from abdominal cramp

Tender or Swollen Breasts

Changes in your breasts are another early sign of pregnancy. Your hormone levels change quickly after conception, and because of these changes, breasts may become tender or swollen. Women often say their breasts feel heavier and more tender to touch. The areola may also darken. These changes last for several weeks after conception as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels. After, breast discomfort will start to subside.


Nausea with or without vomiting is another sign of pregnancy to look out for. Though not every woman experiences this, it is by far the most common. Nausea during pregnancy is also known as morning sickness because women tend to feel this symptom early in the morning. However, nausea can occur at any time of day and sometimes lasts the pregnancy’s whole duration.

The exact reasoning behind morning sickness is not clear, but it is likely due to your body’s hormonal changes.

Young Asian woman with face mask feeling nausea
Young Asian woman with face mask feeling nausea

Feeling Hot

Elevated pregnancy hormones may also cause your metabolism to speed up. These hormones can lead to an increased basal body temperature. To balance out your body temperature, you may notice that you sweat more than usual. Sweating is normal and is how your body reacts to cool you down.

Woman feeling hot at indoor
Woman feeling hot at indoor


Feeling sluggish and tired is another normal pregnancy symptom experienced by women early on. High levels of progesterone, along with lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and a boost in blood production, can all contribute to fatigue. Listen to your body during this time and get the recommended amount of rest. One way to increase energy levels is to eat foods high in protein and iron.

Young woman feels fatigue
Young woman feels fatigue

Missed Period

A missed period is what signals most women to get a pregnancy test. Keep in mind that it is normal for a woman’s cycle to vary up to seven days. Aside from pregnancy, stress, hormonal problems, rapid weight loss or gain, or exhaustion could also cause a missed period. If you are unsure, it is best to take a pregnancy test and find out.

Other less obvious early signs and symptoms that most women experience during the first few weeks of pregnancy include:

  • Mood swings
  • Frequent urination
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Food cravings or aversions
  • Nasal congestion

What Is The Best Way To Confirm Pregnancy?

You can confirm your pregnancy with the use of a home pregnancy test. These tests require a small urine sample to determine if you are pregnant. After you become pregnant, a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to appear in your blood. Levels of hCG increase rapidly during early pregnancy and are present in your urine. Depending on the test, you can get results in about 3 to 5 minutes.

Home pregnancy tests have become an easy and accurate way to find out if you are pregnant. In some cases, the results can be confusing, such as a faint second line. If you experience this, you should retake the test after 3 to 5 days. This situation may occur if you have not built up enough hCG in your system to get a definite result. Also, the chances of an incorrect outcome are higher if you have irregular periods.

Another way to confirm your pregnancy is through a blood test, which works similarly to a home pregnancy test by measuring the amount of hCG present in your blood. Such tests are done in a doctor’s clinic, and results can be available within a few minutes.

How Soon Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?

How Soon Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?
How Soon Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?

You should take a test from the first day of your missed period. Some tests can be used as early as 4 to 5 days before your period is expected. Check the instructions of the test to find out when it can be used.

Pregnancy tests can give you accurate results as early as two weeks after conception. Conception is around the time where you would be expecting your period to arrive. To determine how far along you are, start counting from the first day of your last menstrual period.

The Delayed Period May Not Be Because Of Pregnancy

Missing your period may not directly be caused by pregnancy. As mentioned above, a missed period and other early pregnancy symptoms are usual to indicate pregnancy.  If you are not experiencing symptoms and still miss your period, it could be due to other factors. Here are some factors that affect your period cycle and may be the cause for its delay.

  • Increased exercise: excessive exercise can lower your estrogen levels, which regulate the female reproductive process.
  • Sudden change in your weight: Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can cause sudden changes in your weight. If you experience this, it is best to consult with your doctor right away.
  • Emotional and chronic stress: Stress activates the hormone cortisol. If prolonged, your body can induce amenorrhea, which prevents menstruation.
  • Changes in sleep schedule: Your sleep schedule helps regulate critical cellular processes. Immediate or prolonged changes can disrupt this process and cause missed or late periods.
  • Addition of new medications: Check to see if your new medication causes irregular periods. Additionally, specific birth control, such as IUD, can stop your period.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can improve the regularity of your cycle. A proper diet and gradual exercise can normalise your hormones and, therefore, your cycle so long as there are no underlying complications present. 

A Personal Take On The First Signs Of Pregnancy

A Personal Take On The First Signs Of Pregnancy
A Personal Take On The First Signs Of Pregnancy

On a personal note, my early signs of pregnancy included a missed period, constant hunger, and extreme fatigue. At that time, I was extremely stressed with my workload, and it did not occur to me that I was pregnant. The same symptoms of early pregnancy are those also seen in chronic stress. As I started to experience morning sickness around the second week, only then did I take a home pregnancy test.

The tests I took were confusing. I got one solid pink line and one faded pink line. As recommended, I waited five days before retaking the test. I still got the same results. Even four weeks into my pregnancy, the results were the same. At this point, I decided to get a blood test, and that confirmed my pregnancy.

I was told that a possible reason for the faded pink line might be because of high-stress levels. I did experience most of the common signs of pregnancy, but even so, hCG levels were lower than usual.

All in all, early symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. During your first trimester, you may experience one or even all of the symptoms. The best way to confirm your pregnancy is to take a urine or blood test to see if you get a positive result!

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