Parenting Tips for First-time Fathers

A first time father with his baby in arms in the garden

Getting in the groove of taking care of a newborn, your partner, and yourself can be a tricky balance, but it’s definitely an experience like no other. While welcoming a new member to the family may seem overwhelming, first-time fathers can always make the best of it and adjust to a baby’s new balance. 

Parenting is not always easy, but with the right mindset and some tips to help get started, the journey to adjusting becomes a lot easier and even a joy to progress through. If you are looking for the best parenting tips to support your newborn and partner, first-time fathers can read this list to get started. 

A first time father with his baby in arms at home
A first-time father with his baby in his arms at home

What To Expect When Newborn Baby Arrives

Indeed, no amount of practice will genuinely help you prepare for taking care of a new baby for the first time, except maybe actually taking care of your baby for the first time. As a first-time dad, having some valuable tips and advice to start with will make it easier to prepare yourself for the joys of parenthood. 

Changing Sleep Patterns

One of the clearest expectations is changes to your sleep pattern. It is usual for newborns to have an erratic sleep schedule, meaning that you, as the father, will need to adjust your sleeping pattern to help care for the baby.

It is essential to get as much rest as possible when the baby sleeps so that you can be well-rested and attentive when the baby needs you. An excellent way to do this is by taking shifts with your partner so that one of you can sleep while the other takes care of the baby. Another tip for getting some rest is to nap simultaneously with the baby. This may not always be possible, but it will help you feel more rested and less overwhelmed if you can manage it.

Messy Situations

Another expectation for first-time fathers (and new parents in general) is dealing with messes like changing diapers. Babies are known to be messy, whether spitting up, dirty diapers or anything in between. While it may seem daunting at first, these messes and diaper-changing situations are just a part of parenting and taking care of a newborn baby.

The best way to deal with these messes is always to be prepared. Most fathers keep a stash of wipes and diapers close by at all times and some changes of clothes (for both you and baby). It is also helpful to have a laundry basket or bag nearby so that you can quickly and easily clean up any messes. It also helps to have spare hand sanitiser along where you go to help with dirty diaper situations. 

A first time father with his baby in arms
A first time father with his baby in arms

Stay Alert

One of the most important things for first-time dads to remember is to stay alert. Newborn babies need constant attention and care, so it is essential to be aware of their needs. This means being able to read their cues and respond accordingly.

As a new dad, if you are ever unsure of your baby’s needs, don’t hesitate to ask your partner or another experienced parent for help. It is better to ask for help than to figure it out on your own and risk making a mistake. It’s likely that some you know have gone through the same thing.

Staying alert also means keeping an eye out for any safety hazards like small baby toys or household items that could cause injury. Moreover, be on the high lookout for any signs of health complications that may need immediate attention.

Balancing “Me” Time

Another tip for first-time fathers is to find a balance between taking care of the baby and taking care of yourself. It is easy to get so wrapped up in caring for the new little one that you forget to take care of yourself, but it is essential to remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Make sure to schedule some time for yourself every day, even if it is just a few minutes. This “me” time can be used to do something you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or taking a walk. It is important to have some time to relax and de-stress to be the best father you can be.

Helpful Tips For New Dads and Bonding With Baby

One of the most important things for first-time fathers is to bond with their babies. This can be done in several ways, such as cuddling, talking, and playing with your little one.

It is also essential to spend time just observing your baby. This can be done by simply watching them sleep or taking note of their different expressions and sounds. Bonding with your baby is essential because it helps to create a strong father-child relationship that will last a lifetime.

Set Up a Time For Play 

Playing and interacting with your baby is fun for them, but it is also beneficial for your relationship with them. It is a great way to bond with your baby and to help them learn about the world around them.

Interact and Talk

Set up a specific time each day (or as often as possible) to play and interact with your baby. This can be done by reading to them, singing songs, playing peek-a-boo, or anything else that you can think of. These small activities help dads learn more about their new bundle of joy, but it also goes a long way in helping them develop good communication and motor skills.

Make Time For Tummy Time

Tummy time is essential for newborn babies because it helps to strengthen their neck and back muscles. It is also a great way to promote hand-eye coordination and prevent your baby from developing flat head syndrome.

Try to do tummy time with your baby for at least 10-15 minutes each day. If your baby does not like being on their stomach, try propping them up with a pillow or toy. You can also try laying down next to them so they can see you and feel comforted.

Always Practice Proper Carrying

Newborns are very delicate, so it is important always to practice proper carrying. When picking up your baby, always support their head and neck. It is also important to never carry your baby while you are distracted or in a hurry.

When carrying a baby, make sure to support the baby’s head. Also, the baby’s body should remain supported since their sines are still not as strong. Lastly, only carry a baby when you are able to pay full attention to avoid any accidents.

Dealing With Crying

Crying is a normal part of being a baby, but it can be tough for first-time fathers to deal with. The best thing you can do is to try and remain calm. If your baby is crying, try to figure out why they are crying. Are they hungry, wet, or tired? Once you know the reason for the crying, you can then take steps to fix the problem.

More Crying!

If your baby is still crying after you have tried to soothe them, it is okay to walk away for a few minutes. This will give you a chance to calm down and to avoid getting frustrated. Once you have calmed down, you can then go back and try again. It’s also okay to ask experienced friends for advice every now and then!

With everything going on, it can seem like there is little time to recoil, but just remember that no one is fully prepared for fatherhood until they test the waters. Give yourself credit and time to learn as things happen. Mom is surely there to help with the family and offer advice when needed. 

Team Work Makes The Dream Work

A big part of being a first-time dad is also finding ways to support your partner in caring for your newborn. Giving birth is a taxing experience, and the few weeks after require ample rest and recovery for mothers. In that regard, here are some helpful tips to help mom out and take away some of her worry and strain while she recovers. 

Helping With Feeding Time

If your partner is breastfeeding, offer to help by bringing her a pillow to prop herself up, getting her a glass of water, or simply keeping her company. If the baby is formula feeding, you can take over feeding every now and then so she can rest. You can also help by sterilizing bottles and preparing formulas ahead of time.

Chores, Chores, Chores

Around the house, there are bound to be a million things that need to be done. Take it upon yourself to help out with some of the chores, such as laundry, cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping. This will free up some time for your partner to bond with the baby or to take a break.

Stay Calm Yourself Too

Don’t forget, being a first-time dad is a learning experience. There will be times when you feel like you are in over your head, but the important thing is to remain calm and to ask for help when you need it. With a little patience and practice, you will soon be a pro at this parenting gig.

A first time father with his baby in arms in the park
A first time father with his baby in arms in the park

Take Turns When Possible

Another great way to help mothers is to take turns with the daily baby care. Lend a helping hand by offering her some time to rest when feeding is done until the next feeding is necessary. This will help give enough rest to be able to function well for the baby’s sake.

You can also offer to do the night feedings so she can get a good night’s sleep. A well-rested mother is a happier mother, and a happier mother means a happier family dynamic.

Calm Anxious Feelings

It’s not uncommon for mothers to feel anxious about taking rest and leaving the baby with you, even if she knows you are fully capable. The key here is to calm your partner if they feel anxious about anything or shows concern about the baby’s well-being. Many babies will have times when they are truly fussy, something that can cause lots of concern for first-time moms.

Reassurance and support that things are okay and that your partner is doing a good job go a long way in building confidence in caring for newborns. Especially if they feel like they need to do more, make sure that if there is something amiss with the baby, do not wait too long to get help if needed.


From adjusting your sleep schedule to getting the hang of changing diapers, caring for a newborn is a lot of work! But between that work are special moments that brighten the house and make it feel warmer. When your little bundle arrives from the hospital, you’ll find fascination in caring for your new child. 

As a first-time dad, don’t get too wound up on the worry. Take everything in stride, and you will learn the ropes sooner rather than later. This will go a long way in making you a huge part of your child’s life.

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Wei Chun


I am an INTP-A Logician personality and a proud Melakan who has had the privilege of living in Singapore and Malaysia. I have been an avid fan of Manchester United and I'm now a parent to a daughter with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I love watching Asian movies and dramas from the sci-fi, time travel, comedy, detective and mystery genres. As a self-proclaimed tech geek with an equal passion for SEO, I help SMBs in IT support and SEO matters.

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